Thursday, October 15, 2009

Movie Review: Grand Turino

There have been many great movies to check out at the red-box lately, but after watching Grand Torino, I knew no other film could display the same type of joyous melancholy as this one. One thing that completely baffled me was the fact that Thao , Walt's neighbor, originally set out to steal Walt's highly prized Grand Torino as part of his initiation in his cousin's gang. Ironically enough Thao was never successful in stealing the car; although he almost got caught. But for some strange reason, out of guilt, Thao decides to confess to Walt that he indeed was the one attempting to steal the car and insists that he should work for Walt until his bad deed is paid off. Then as if things couldn't get any crazier, Walt find himself growing close to Thao's family. Although Walt's heart is filled with tons of prejudice, due to his past in the Korean War, he somehow finds a way to bond with Thao's family and finally ends the constant gang-family warfare for good, hopefully... So in conclusion to all of this I strongly insist to everyone that has the chance to check this film out, by all means do so. You won't regret it.

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